Prayer List

Who/What: -- Request

God's will (Mat 6:10; Luk 11:2): -- Be done on earth as in heaven

All people (1 Tim 2:1,4): -- They will be saved

Those in authority (1 Tim 2:2): -- That we may lead quiet, peaceful life

World Harvest (Mat 9:38; Luk 10:2): -- Laborers sent out

All saints (Eph 6:18-19): -- Utterance and boldness to speak the Word

Ministers (Col 4:3-4): -- Open doors to speak the Word clearly

Ministers (2 Thes 3:1): -- Rapid spread & acceptance of God's Word

Ministers (2 Thes 3:2): -- Deliverance from wicked people

Jerusalem (Psa 122:6): -- Peace

Your persecutors & abusers (Mat 5:44; Luk 6:28): -- Blessing

Believers imprisoned for faith (Heb 13:3; Col 4:3): -- Open doors, provision, protection, freedom











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