Steps To Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is when you are not controlled by your finances. Financial freedom is having no debt. Financial freedom is having more than enough.

* Feed on God's Word (by reading, speaking, and hearing teaching) about abundance. You must continue this until you know absolutely that God's will for you is abundance and financial freedom. It will take awhile, so do not become discouraged. (John 8:31-32)

* Worship God with your money (or whatever material things you have) by giving. Put God first.

* Study the subject of faith. Learn how it works. It works the same way in every area. Faith for finances works the same as faith for salvation or healing.

* Learn to recognize the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Always obey it. Remember, His leading will always agree with the written Word of God.

* If you have any debt: [1] Ask God to forgive you for not trusting Him (if applicable) and getting into debt. [2] Ask God to help you get out of debt so you can be free to serve Him. [3] Commit to making debt repayment your second priority (after worshipping God with your giving.) (Romans 13:8)

* Lay claim, in faith, to whatever you need. Take it away from the devil in Jesus' Name. (Philippians 2:10) It belongs to Jesus (and to you as His joint heir.) (Romans 8:17)

* Spend less than you take in. Force yourself to do it, even if only by a small amount. This is the only way to get free and stay free.

* Pay yourself a percentage of all you take in. This is your investment fund. Make it work for you by investing it wisely as the Holy Spirit directs.

* Be a giver. This blesses you and those you give to. It also keeps material things from becoming your god. It is also seed for a greater harvest of financial freedom in your life. (2 Corinthians 9:6; Luke 6:38)

* Be extremely cautious in borrowing any money. Never borrow to live on or to purchase a depreciating asset. Never borrow for anything else without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Proverbs 22:7)

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